They wrote about us
- www.super.cz - These are the most beautiful plump Czech women: Can you find your favorite among the finalists of the Miss Plus Size competition?
- www.expres.cz - The Czech Republic is looking for Miss plus size: These 11 most beautiful girls are fighting for the crown!
- www.webnoviny.sk - Life in shop windows: The company hires models in the role of mannequins
- www.lidovky.cz - The company offers live models instead of mannequins
- www.ctusi.info - Mannequins in shop windows may be replaced by live models
- www.denik.cz - Mannequins in shop windows may be replaced by live models
- zpravy.tiscali.cz - Shop models will be live models instead of dummies
- magazin.ceskenoviny.cz - Mannequins in shop windows may be replaced by live models
- www.kamoska.cz - Shop windows of Czech fashion shops dominate live mannequins
- www.financninoviny.cz - Mannequins in shop windows may be replaced by live models
- www.tyden.cz - End of plastic mannequins. They are replaced by live models
- mam.ihned.cz - Mannequins may be replaced by models
- www.zvanilky.cz - Live mannequins in your shop windows!
- radiohitzone.707.cz - Live mannequins in your shop windows
- www.modaastyl.cz - Down with dummies!